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Oil Coolers/heat Exchangers

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Am I right in thinking,

The 205 1.6 gti hasnt got an oil cooler.

Early 1.9's had an air cooled oil cooler.

PAS equipped cars came with a water cooled cooler/exhanger mounted near the gearbox.

Later 1.9's came with the same set up as above.

All 1.9 gti 309's and 1.9 mi16's came with a water cooled cooler like the later 205's but mounted on the front of the block.


Why did PAS cars have that set up - clearance? Is that why the 309/405 is block mounted as there is more space?

Can i swap a block mounted cooler on an mi16 in a 205 for the late/pas gearbox mounted cooler?

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Yes. All the different types are interchangeable.

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Almost right, All later car's had the remote filter regardless of PAS or not, Just look at the Ltd ed car's they had PS and the Oil Cooler fitted. Another Forum mith that one

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Why were the remote coolers fitted to pas cars why not stick with the air cooler? And why not just fit the block mounted cooler?

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have a look at the engine bay of a PAS equipped 205 GTi ;)

Edited by welshpug

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