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Webbers Question

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There must be a fair few Webber experts out there by now, i have a very puzzling question to me which someone might be able to answer straight away!!


I have one of those Carb Balancer guages that you stick in each trumpet to get a reading, now say starting from the left (cambelt end) on the carbs, i can balance intakes 1, 3 and 4 at the trumpet with the guage but i just cant seem to get intake 2 to read as high as the rest, ie if i get the rest to read say 8 on my guage this one will only read 6.5 - 7, this will be the case no matter how much i adjust the mixture screw


can anyone tell me what might be goin wrong!?? obviously something must be wrong inside the jettings etc for intake 2




also to adjust without the gauge do u adjust each mixture screw until the revs dont raise anymore then knock them back 1/4 turn!?


I really hope someone can help with this


(oh and i cant get it to a rolling road as we dont have one on the island)

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Balancing carbs is done via the connecting adjuster screw bewteen the two sets of carbs - i guess that all four should then read the same???


If you have a single cylinder reading low could it be that that cylinder has a leak either in a carb seal or a head to carb gasket? I had this and everything seemed fine accept i couldt get it to run just so. Turned out to be the gasket leaking. Take it off, clean and re-seat, completely different story.


As for you setting of the mixture screws this principle should be fine to get a basic level of drivability - i got what i thought was great, and then had it tuned on the rollers and was amazed at the difference.

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ah ok ill remove the carbs and re seat and then get all mixture settings set exactly the same to start off at one point then ill balance the 2 carbs via the connection rod adjuster then see what the gauge reads on each cylinder and go from there

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Could also be a twisted spindle.

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Could also be a twisted spindle.


causing one butterfly to be open more than the other........ very possible!!


ill open both inspection screw nuts and check the butterfly positions to each other

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