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Front Left Indicator And Repeater Not Working

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as above, the front left indicator and side repeater have plain old stopped working after a period of working now and again, and i cant find out why! ive tried wiggling all the connections, cleaned up the earth connection behind the headlight and checked all the bulbs and still not even a flicker!

any ideas? it seems strange that they should both stop at the same time?



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Tom Fenton

It will be a connector or earth somewhere, those poxy plastic connector blocks Peugeot used are terrible and can refuse to conduct electricity even when they look "OK".

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Exactly the same happened to me and I replaced the brown connector block with Bullet connectors and all is now fine ;)

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better get at it with a the bag of bullet connecters thats been sitting in my glovebox or a while then!

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I had the same issue on my old black 205. I spent ages cleaning up the earth contacts as they were in right state on my old black 205, it didn't sort the issue. (The lights were brighter though!) I played with all the wires to see if it was a broken wire and eventually put a live feed to the bulb holder and still nothing. I swapped the bulb holder for one from my other 205 and it sorted it. Very odd that it just stopped working but it did happen, so could be the same for you....


I still need a drivers side bulb holder for when I get the blue 205 back on the road!



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thought id add i had the same problem and was the brown conecter, even tho the conection looked "ok" and wasnt a permant fault....

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