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Odometer Mileage Barrel

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Okay I did one of those stupid things and bought an instrument panel from eBay. Long and dull story but suffice it to say that my UK Pug is now with me in Oz and I wanted a speedo in Km not miles.


As you can imagine, that eBay speedo has been well and truly messed about with by some idiot. As the miles (sorry kilometres) rack up, the KM figures on the odometer dial go around and then start hopping wildly from single km increments to hundreds or thousands of Kms with just a few hundred metres down the road. Imagine you were driving around the M25 all day. You'd have done maybe 1km, 100km or maybe 99999 kms.


So I've taken the little bugger apart and clearly there is some system with the little cogs inside the odometer barrel - you know the one that has the number of Kms or miles and shows you how many Kms or miles the car has done in its life.


I know this may look like the best cover story for wanting to wind the clock back on a car but I genuinely want to just align the dials to whatever will make it work again so a 100km trip is 100km and not 100,000 or 0


Any ideas boys and girls?

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I reset mine back to zero when I did my build last year, its a real faff! Basically you take the cylinder out and then spin the separate cylinders around until the funny mechanisms inside click back to the right place. Its very difficult to explain, so you're best just fiddling with it and seeing what's what.

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Thanks Cameron. I pulled out the barrel thing and played with those cylinders and couldn't work out what to do with the little tab things that stick out between the number dials.

Anyways, I had a play and just can't get it so that when you dial up the first cog it goes to zero and the next one goes up 1 number.


It just kind of does what it was before and locking the whole barrel and all dials spin together or randomly. It sounds from what you say that it's a trial and error thing. Maybe I should sit with it in front of a long film and treat it like a Rubix cube until I crack it :)

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That's exactly what I did! :)


If you find that you can't get it sorted it may well be that its buggered, but there isn't that much to go wrong with them. I have a spare set of clocks somewhere I might be able to dig the speedo out and post it to you if you get really stuck.

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