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Gti Arch Extensions - Alternatives?

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The Pug could really do with a new set of wheel arch extensions but to my knowledge no-one sells the originals any more, and I can't find any pattern parts from the likes of Beavers, so I've always worked on the basis you're scouring scrappies or forums for a replacement set. Needless to say, they're either getting tatty or people are starting to take the piss with how much they want for them.


Has anyone ever found or spotted some alternatives for sensible money?


I'm aware of the Ecosse-style Rallye arches which I presume would fit the GTi. It's for a stage rally car so to be honest, a perfect fit and finish isn't necessary.


Maybe someone has found some generic arches sold by a bodykit company that they know will fit and keep the right proportions on a 205?


I know ones pop up on ebay every now and then but I'm looking for a place where I can go and buy some rather than faffing about setting up searches for months on end, only to end up battling it out with loads of other net types and ending up paying over-the-odds for cheap 2-bit moulded plastic from eastern europe that doesn't even fit B)


EDIT: Bit of searching turned up these ZZ67 model number ones :-




Some people clearly punting them out with a few extra quid added on top, but a quick search and this is the cheapest I've found so far. I'm guessing they're not great fit, I bet they can be had cheaper if you knew where from....

Edited by brumster

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peugeot still sell the originals....

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Ooo so they do, just rang 'em up.


7861 67/68 (front left/right, post91), £33 a piece

8547 32/33 (rear left/right, post91), £32.55 a piece (actually prices for pre-91, but suspect same price either way)

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I got the rallye arches myself but off a guy on ebay, think they where £50-£55 iirc.


They lined up sound but had to make up brackets to fit them which was fun to say the least since they where just a fibreglass copy B)



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I'm thinking maybe a move to the Rallye-style arches might make sounder future investment, the things are always getting clipped here and there so I'd rather be buying a complete set of £55 rather than £120 :-)



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or fit second hand set of gti arches?

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or fit second hand set of gti arches?


Good point considering there going to get a wee bit of a battering on stages.


Those ones i got fae ebay are sound for road use but under the vibrations of rallying i

don't quite know how they will fair out to be honest (they are fibreglass after all).


If you do get those rally ones i'll get a few pic's up of how i went about fitting them might be

a bit of help.



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or fit second hand set of gti arches?


Oh absolutely, don't get me wrong, this is always my preference - if the price is right!

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I got the rallye arches myself but off a guy on ebay, think they where £50-£55 iirc.


They lined up sound but had to make up brackets to fit them which was fun to say the least since they where just a fibreglass copy :)




That's very cheap! :blink:


Rallye arch copies are bonded on rather than screwed on, makes things a lot simpler and neater.

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I have an unused set of the £110 wide Glass Re-inforced Plastic -Fibreglass rally arches somewhere in my garage, if your interested that is?



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