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How To Repair A Dent In A Sill

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I am currently rebuilding a lot of my 205. Being a trusty well built pug there is no rust etc, however there is a dent in my sill where the jack previously slipped. The dent is not massive but i am wondering how to repair it. Its at the front of the car just under the wing.


Could i fill this or is there a better solution.


Usally i would leave it but once the car is all painted and the sills are stone chipped it will anoy me.

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Not being a body man by any means, But an idea you could drill a small hole, insert a puller and taap the dent out which should get it back99%, then just fill/weld the hole up

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Tom Fenton

That is how I would do it. Drill a small hole, and pull the majority out with a slide hammer. Use as little filler as possible.

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sweet, sounds a reasonable solution, ive got 2x dents in the floor plan aswell just like this, they are at the front just near where the subframe bolts on, i may acction these aswell as there is a bung which i can remove and stick the slide hammer on.

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You can get to a fair bit of the sill from the holes inside the car. Need seat out and carpet up though.


A long bar in there used right will virtually get rid of any dent, meaning you may get away without painting at all.

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I'd try boombang's suggestion first, but if you get no joy go for the other method. I've used it successfully many times in the past, but thankfully have use of a stud welder now which is a lot less invasive and you don't have holes to weld up afterwards.

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Is that the tool that you weld it to the bit that needs pulling then while its welded there you just pull ?

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Yep, this sort of thing:




Weld on the little studs and pull with a slide hammer, then break the tail off the stud off leaving just a small head to grind down. Awesome bit of kit for this kind of work :angry:

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cheers paintguy , i used to have acess to a heavy duty of the above for pulleing rear quarters and front panels out but unforuntuantly that business went under.

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