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Tidying The Boot Area

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Just got done with sorting my phase 1 interior, im turning my attention to the boot now. I'd just like it to be a bit nicer to be honest. The back of the passenger seats are marked and the material that covers the boot floor has marks.






Just wondering, whats the best way to tidy this up. Should i source a brand new boot liner or maybe get some nice thick carpet to go on top? I know its a bit petty, but i just dont want it to look tatty :lol:


thanks for any ideas


rich :ph34r:

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I'd be tempted to paint it with some satin black paint applied with a brush into all the grooves in the PVC.


Providing that you don't throw bricks and rubble in there afterwards it will look spot on.


Thinking of doing this on my Phase 1 CTI but too many other jobs on the go!

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Check your local carpet shops for any off cuts of black carpet.

As for the back of the seats speak to a car audio place they normally have rolls of black material to cover sub boxes.

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Acoustic carpet from maplins, last time I bought some it was something like £1.67 per square metre, and its actually not bad!


It's changed slightly since I bought some (which when I thought about it was 4 years ago!! :s) it only comes in dark grey, is called speaker box cover cloth and is 99p per 25cm x 150cm. Worth a look though!!



Edited by one-lady-owner

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I've carpeted mine recently using acoustic carpet.


I made a bored out of 7-8mm ply and glued the carpet using carpet glue and used this for the boot floor.


Replaced the sides with acoustic again and also covered the panel where the boot catch is. It looks pretty good but i think i'll get some thicker carpet for the floor as its not so hard wearing.


Also covered the washer bottle with acoustic which looks 100 times better.


I'll try and get some pictures up if i have time.



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Yeah post some pix if you can chris.

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I removed my boot mat and cleaned it then as said sprayed it with satin black and looks like new.

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ICE carpet is the daddy :angry:


Although the install may not be to your taste, you cant knock the carpeted goodness :)




got it from car audio direct, was about £5 a roll, I used 2x rolls but had some spare. Dont forget the spray glue as well :(

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Oooo i like that. Thats what im after, minus the nuclear warhead :). How did you fit the carpet? 4 pieces ? (floor, 2x sides, boot latch bit?)

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pretty much mate, the stuff from car audio direct is JUST wide enough to do the floor in one piece, which was a touch.


Sides are one piece each (what I mean is no joins) the rear panel is 3 piece, I reckon you could do the rear panel with no joints but due to some shoddy measuring and planning I didnt have a big enough length (oo err). The joins are barely noticeable in real life I have to show people where they are, camera flash however seems to make them more noticeable


May I offer a tip? Hold the spray glue at least 12" away if spraying onto the back of the carpet. Any closer and it starts to soak through. It took a lot of spray glue as well, about 3x medium sized cans.



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Merlin that looks really good B) just had a thought you cant remove the naff vinyl off the seats as they are part of the seat cover..

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Cool cheers merlin. Im going to order 2 rolls of carpet monday morning and have a bash. What brand of spray glue did you use? i know it probably doesn't matter.

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Merlin that looks really good B) just had a thought you cant remove the naff vinyl off the seats as they are part of the seat cover..


Na, like yoy said that crappy vinyl stuff is sewed in unfortunatly dude :(



Cool cheers merlin. Im going to order 2 rolls of carpet monday morning and have a bash. What brand of spray glue did you use? i know it probably doesn't matter.


I used some auto trade stuff by teroson (sp?) but I think spray glue is spray glue within reason :(

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