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Water Bleed Screw Thread Size

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Does anyone know if the plastic air bleeding screw on the mi16 thermostat housing has a standard thread size?I was bleeding my coolant system, and it broke off in my hand. Unfortunately it has a tiny hole in it which was dripping a tiny amount of water, and i have used sealant to block it off. There is still a tiny amount of water still leaking.


If anyone can confirm that its a standard size thread id appreciate it as i can just get a bolt and block it off for now.

(or alternatively if anyone has one kicking about please PM me).





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Same as on the 8v thermostat housing which is M6 iirc.



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Same as on the 8v thermostat housing which is M6 iirc.




Hey Graham,


I have 2 8v thermostat housings at home (from 1.9 and 1.6 engines), and both the bleed screws are different. The 8v ones are more like caps whereas the mi16 one is more like a bolt. Hope that makes sense.


Thanks for ur reply though. Will try a M6 bolt..


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