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Stripped Thread In Block :(

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Hi all,


I've tried searching for the topic, but carn't find anything relating to it...


I need a little advice. A while ago I took the head of my 1.9, when I refitted it the threads pulled out on one of the holes in the block. It has been sitting on the drive for well over a month, maybe two. I bought a 406 2.0 turbo and was going to put it in the 205, but I've think I'm going to stick with the 1.9 engine. Anyway, what are the options for repairing the thread? I thought about helicoiling it, any ideas of the thread size? Is there any other options?


Thanks all,


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If you want to helicoil it the thread size is 11 x 1.5.

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If you want to helicoil it the thread size is 11 x 1.5.


Is is possible to helicoil it? I'd imagine the thread is quite far down the hole... Has anyone done this successfully?


Thanks Ryan for the info,


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Tom Fenton

I have helicoiled an Mi16 block successfully, no different to an 8v item.


A trick I used is to put one insert in, then another above it, gives double the thread length to go at. Done properly a helicoil is stronger than the original alloy threads.

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I have helicoiled an Mi16 block successfully, no different to an 8v item.


A trick I used is to put one insert in, then another above it, gives double the thread length to go at. Done properly a helicoil is stronger than the original alloy threads.


Thanks for the info, how far does the helicoil need to be down the hole? As the headbolt is only threaded at the end of the bolt correct placement of the helicoil(s) is quite important...



How about using a long section of threaded bar to create a stud like fixing? The hole its stripped isn't a blind hole, so sticking a nut on the end of it might be an option?


Many Thanks,


Edited by Pob

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woops wrong thread...

Edited by kyepan

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