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Water Pump Sealant

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right guys,


i read on here that you all seem to use some sort of sealant (rtv i think) to seal the gasket aswell as the pump its self. What sealant is best to use?


Also do i apply the sealant between the block and gasket or between the pump and the gasket?



what do you guys recommend thats worked for you when you have done the water pump change yourself? i heard that some manufactors dont supply the paper gasket?


A guys near me supplys original equipment parts and he said that Airtex or airtec are the makers of the original water pump for the peugeot engines?





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Use the OE metal gasket with no sealant. Easily dismantleable and perfectly effective.

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I personally just use RTV sealant and no gasket, and it's not failed me yet :lol:


A decent quality gasket works just fine as Sandy says, but I personally detest the cheap felt/cardboard gaskets as usually supplied in gasket sets and with the waterpumps - you can pretty much guarantee that they'll be a pig to remove a couple of years down the line and require scrapping off with a blade, whereas RTV pretty much peels off with your fingers.

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I usually use the supplied cardboard gasket lightly greased with common white grease :lol: .

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I usually use the supplied cardboard gasket lightly greased with common white grease :lol: .



right well im ready to do my water pump. Got some Loctite 5910 silicone to seal it, but is says it takes 7 days to set???????? Also stuck on if i should use the paper gasket or not. Was thinking i could maybe use the paper gasket attached with the sealant to the block, then some more sealant on pump face to paper gasket, so the gasket has sealant on both sides.


Not sure why it takes 7 days, i looked on the website, they said to leave to cure for 7 days is under high loads etc.... :lol:

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Paper gasket as supplied with the gasket kit when I rebult my engine is still working fine on my engine over three years, 10k+ including 10 or more trackdays & a tour round europe.


Personally, I wouldn't use any sealant if you use a quality gasket or like Anthony, use a decent sealant alone.



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i used silicone sealant, and for some strange reason have not come across any gaskets ever... most odd. (changed 2 mi water pumps) don't remember them being in the pack with the pump.

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Loctite 5920 for pretty much everything. Never failed me.

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always got a paper type gasket with the pumps I've fitted, I just use a smear a little of whatever sealant is to hand (usually Wurth RTV) to stick the seal in place whilst fitting.


Mum's 405 is on the second pump I've fitted due to the mileage she has covered!

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i used silicone sealant, and for some strange reason have not come across any gaskets ever... most odd. (changed 2 mi water pumps) don't remember them being in the pack with the pump.



right well ive bought a pump made by QH (quinton Hazell) which i have been told are a good quailty pump, but the paper gaske that came with it looks crappy. maybe i should use my loctite 5910. then let it cure over nigth before i put water and anti freeze in it

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