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Paint Problem

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Whilst giving the 205 a wash tonight i took off my magnetic learner plates (i'll pass soon and lose the shame) and underneath the rear one it has left weird marks/rubbing where it has been moving around. The very centre of this patch has become slightly rough and has seemingly lost all of its lacquer coat (not sure of this). After a go with some farecla rubbing compound it has smoothed the patch and it is less defined but still very present unfortunately. What i would like to know is, is this rescueable? if not how best to reduce it so it has least impact.










Any help is much appreciated

Cheers George

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Whilst giving the 205 a wash tonight i took off my magnetic learner plates (i'll pass soon and lose the shame) and underneath the rear one it has left weird marks/rubbing where it has been moving around. The very centre of this patch has become slightly rough and has seemingly lost all of its lacquer coat (not sure of this). After a go with some farecla rubbing compound it has smoothed the patch and it is less defined but still very present unfortunately. What i would like to know is, is this rescueable? if not how best to reduce it so it has least impact.


Sadly it looks like the L plate has lifted the lacquer all you can do is polish it regularly but not to much and it shouldnt get to much worse



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