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Hit The Limiter - Now Car Wont Start!

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While sitting outside my workmates house this morning i took a rush of blood to the head and gave the car a big rev, hitting the limiter. Now it only hit the limiter 2 or three times, then the engine died off and cut out.


I tried to start her two or three times but it wouldn't kick in. Once it did sorta attempt to start but she coughed and spluttered for 3 or 4 seconds then stopped again.


Now in hindsight i think it did sound a little funny when i was driving it last night, but i thought it was maybe a blow out on the exhaust. I dont know if it was the sound of it running off a cylinder as i dont know what that sounds like. The only mods that have been done to the engine in the last year is i changed the HT leads and spark plugs about 100 miles ago.


As i was late for work i just left it at my mates house without looking into the problem.


Have i fcuked the engine? What should i look for when i go back to it tonight? Do i keep turning it over to see if it'll kick in or will this make the problem worse?


Any help is appreicated!!



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If the engine still cranks over chances are its still alright.

I'd check the simple stuff first, start with the last thing you touched before you noticed it not running right.

i.e. HT leads, The King lead to the coil /cap might have just popped off.

Edited by ALEX

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It wasnt the HT leads that had popped off - it was the bloody distributor!! LOL


The nuts were obviously slack so the vibratons from when she hit the limiter must have knocked them off completly lol. Thank god no damage was done!

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