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Rob Turbo

Omp Roll Cage Mounting Plates

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Rob Turbo

Where can I get a set of mounting plates for an OMP cage? There's some universal ones on ebay for £8.40 each, and I need 4, and they are just plain 3mm 'L' plates, no holes or nuts or anything so seem a bit over priced!

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You could try the OMP importers, there is only one as far as I know.


I got some mounts made by a lad on the 106 RallyeRegister for a Sparco cage recently for £35 delivered for 4 nicely bent pieces of 3mm plate, one was into a small 3 sided box and welded up as well :)


He works for a company called "the rollcage people"


All we had to do was trim them to suit the sills, mark and drill the holes to suit the cage feet and tack on the nuts to suit, then weld them on.

Edited by welshpug

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If they're anything like the SD ones then i have some in stock. :)

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You could try the OMP importers, there is only one as far as I know.


I got some mounts made by a lad on the 106 RallyeRegister for a Sparco cage recently for £35 delivered for 4 nicely bent pieces of 3mm plate, one was into a small 3 sided box and welded up as well :)


He works for a company called "the rollcage people"


All we had to do was trim them to suit the sills, mark and drill the holes to suit the cage feet and tack on the nuts to suit, then weld them on.


loads of people import but quite frankly I'd just get someone to make up some plates cheaper

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Rob Turbo

I could make them myself, it's just the steel that I need really, I have some 3mm U section stuff but it would take a lot of cutting to make the plates out of it, so would rather get some 3mm L section, I was just wondering if there was anywhere that sold specific 205 OMP mounting plates for a reasonable price.


Looks like I'll be investing in a pile of cutting disks for the long weekend ahead!




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Cutting discs? Pffftt, Hacksaw and grinding discs :P

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