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Rock Lobster

Arch Trim And Bumper Fitting

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Rock Lobster

I'm in need of a bit of help please everybody!


I needed to fit a new pair of wings to my gti, so picked up a pair of cheap ones off a phase 1 cti, fitted them without a problem but when i've gone to put the bumper on it doesn't seem to fit properly! It just seems to sit way too low on the car and i can almost get my finger in the gap between the top edge of the bumper and the lower edge of the wing! The only possible explanantion for this is my bumper brackets are shot to hell. Could this be the cause of this?


Its been driving me mad all day! Can somebody help me outplease!?


also can anyone tell me if phase 1.5 front arch trim is a different size to the phase 2?



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Most likely it is, always best to get new bumper attatchments when doing this job, but a picture would help..

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Rock Lobster

I'll get a pic up tomorrow morning to show you what I mean!



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Well that dont look too bad really, the front below the lights, there should be a rubber lip that

attatch's to the bumper, to make it look sealed up sort of thing.

The best thing to do is to push bumper up as high as you can before you fully tighten all the bolts


The front bumper bracket that attaches it's other end to the inner wing, undo that a bit then push it all up as

hard as you can, that should make it look better.

Just keep trying as it all look normal to me, some 205 are worse than other's as every gti can be slightly

differant in other ways as well as bumper gaps, one way or another, ok ?

All 205's are not all the exactly the same.

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Rock Lobster

I've just bitten the bullet this morning and got a pair of new bumper brackets and buffers etc to try and get a better fit and the whole lot came to £45 notes so not best pleased so it better bloody work! It wouldn't bother me too much normally but the arch trim doesn't fit too well either because its all slightly out of line.


I have a pair of the rubber strips but the replacement bumper i fitted doesn't have any slots so i just left them off. Since the bumper has to come off again i might pop them back on.


Cheers for the reply though, I'll have a bash tomorrow at refitting and hopefully post some pics of it all sorted!

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I fiited my new bumper to my 205 tonight and I have the same problem., all I could think of was the rubber strip being missing.... Although I have hit a deer with mine so... hmmm... Will get some pics if thats any use for ya??

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Rock Lobster

That would be useful please mate yeah, anything at this stage is handy to be honest!

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Rock Lobster





This small amount of kit from the stealers cost me a a ridiculous £46 but it has helped a bit with mounting the bumper but the passeger side is still not high enough but it'll do, just want to get the thing on the road!


And just to ask, does anyone have any spare arch trim clips and the small black inserts for the wing? come up well short on these! Failing that is there a kit I can buy?



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Yeah go in to pug and ask for 6944.44, its a trim fitting/clip kit that does half the car. Another £30 though!

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Rock Lobster

the metal brackets in my pic are pretty important to mount the bumper properly, it all becomes clear once there on to be honest!

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loosen the brackets off completley,then get a friend to pull like f*** upwards to close the gap and retighten the brackets

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