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What Readings Should I Be Getting At The Ecu Temp Sender?

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I'm sure I saw a link on here to a page with all the readings for the various electrical bits (SAD, throttle switch, ECU temperature switch, AFM etc.) to test whether they're working correctly or not. But I don't seem to have saved it, nor can I find it after doing a quick search of the forum.


Basically, I want to test a spare ECU temp sensor I came across, and I need to know what readings I should be getting across the two pins if the sender is working correctly.



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Engine completely cold (20C) - 2,000 to 3,000 ohms (if the engine coolant is colder than 20C such as near to the 15-10C mark because of the lower ambient temp. the resistance will be higher so around 3,000 to 4,000 ohms will be fine at 10/15C)


Engine fully warmed up to the operating temp. (82C) - 200 to 400 ohms


As the sensor temp decreases the resistance value will increase , as the sensor temp increases the resistance will decrease .. as these ones are NTC principle sensors (Negative Temperature Coefficient)


Damir <_<

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