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205 Weights

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Just been to get the Hillclimb 205 weighed so i can register it in Guernsey, was very suprised when it came in at 730kgs


Whats other competition 205's weigh in at?!?


Let me knows urs?

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Road rally 205 full tank and driver 1000KG.

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Mine weigh's about 500 kg, but wait maybe it cause it has no engine sh*t <_<:lol:

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Tom Fenton

My old one was 840kg with a cage but no rear seats etc

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tony perks

My rally car with all gaurds and half a tank of fuel weighed 935kgs!

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wow so mine seems pretty damn light then.... lol


dont reslly think there's anymore ways of reducing it further, not aloud to drill holes!! gonna get rid of the alternator as soon as i get some spare varley red top 25 batteries, that should be a good few kgs saved so maybe down to 735kg ish

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wow so mine seems pretty damn light then.... lol


dont reslly think there's anymore ways of reducing it further, not aloud to drill holes!! gonna get rid of the alternator as soon as i get some spare varley red top 25 batteries, that should be a good few kgs saved so maybe down to 735kg ish


Very impressive, plus it highlights how thin the body kit you made for it is!

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Thats a really good weight


I think Colin Satchells old car was just under 700kg, but it had been on a hole cutter diet.

I'm hoping for 650kg with major surgery to the bodyshell, though I have no inner skin so its pretty extreme...



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I'm very dubious of cutting holes and removing panels etc, just seems the cars are thin and flexible enough as they are!


What have u removed skin and panel wise?


The msa doesn't allow u to cut any weight savings holes for hillclimb anyway according to the blue book, only for running interior lines

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Well I have a full Group A cage in so not worried about safety or torsional strength :rolleyes:

Basically all the inner skin from the doors back has been cut away. I'll be working on the doors next and some of the front panels (but theres not a lot to remove here)




heres a rubbish picture of the rear.

Certainly not something to do on a car used on the road!!



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holy sh*te......


those rear quarters must be pretty flimsy?! great idea thou, i need to get my cage properly welded in, its only bolted at the moment!! not sure i can get away with removing that much when it comes to the msa regs


whats that 205 used for?

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Not sure but i personally add another 100kgs to the mix!!!!

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holy sh*te......


those rear quarters must be pretty flimsy?! great idea thou, i need to get my cage properly welded in, its only bolted at the moment!! not sure i can get away with removing that much when it comes to the msa regs


whats that 205 used for?


will be a track racecar once built. Its currently in a shed collecting dirt and dust as it awaits its gearbox. To be honest its not going to be allowed in much as its rather unique but I'm building it specially for the LMA eurosaloons.

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Hillclimb mod prod regs allow material removal outside the wheelbase.

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