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Still No Connection To Ms Ecu Aaargh

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i got hold of a decent rs232-usb lead today hoping that that would cure my connection probs (but secretly knowing it wouldn't)


re-checked the wiring and i have found continuity between the main 12v and main earth when the ign is off, now i'm sure this can be good.


i've got 12v when the ign is on though. so i got the hump and ripped all the managment loom out :angry: i'm going to re-do it proper like so i can rule that out.


my fear is that i've poggered the ecu and thats why i cant connect to it, i'm going to send it back to extraefi (who built it) for testing and fingers crossed all will be well.


all the bits are on order so while i wait for them to arrive i'm going to chillax and not think about it,which should stop me from tourching the thing :)


why oh why do we bother?

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Wiring it all from scratch is definitely the way to go. Mine fired up on the first turn of the key running Megasquirt supplied by Mad Professor on here. I was shocked to be honest after heading about stories like this but i think it's just so much easier if you rip everything out rewire the lot. There's really not much to id, just earth everything at the same bolt and you're laughing...now watch me find my temp sensors don't work or something :)


Hang in there, the excitement when i got connected to MS and fired it up was fantastic :angry:


You'll get there mate.

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Wiring it all from scratch is definitely the way to go. Mine fired up on the first turn of the key running Megasquirt supplied by Mad Professor on here. I was shocked to be honest after heading about stories like this but i think it's just so much easier if you rip everything out rewire the lot. There's really not much to id, just earth everything at the same bolt and you're laughing...now watch me find my temp sensors don't work or something :)


Hang in there, the excitement when i got connected to MS and fired it up was fantastic :angry:


You'll get there mate.


i've tried to get it connected twice now and like you said got proper exited the followed by very let down :ph34r:


i had already done the loom but that was nearly two years ago (before i really knew what i was doing tbh), so thats why i said do it proper now.


where did you earth too ? i'm thinking the gearbox to chassis one? i did have it direct to the battery.


i'm hoping that when i send it back i can get him to set up my temp sensors as i didn't do it when i brought it and i'm really confused about doing it myself.


anyway cheers for the sucess story, its cheered me up a little :blush:

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i converted my old 1.9 8v loom for megasquirt and used the original earths that go to the ingition amp heat sink and gearbox, also an extra earth for the wideband controller which is tied into the chassis to stop ground loops. no reset probs so far.


if you get stuck im coming down your way may 16th ill wire it and set it up for you if you want, pm if your interested!




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i converted my old 1.9 8v loom for megasquirt and used the original earths that go to the ingition amp heat sink and gearbox, also an extra earth for the wideband controller which is tied into the chassis to stop ground loops. no reset probs so far.


if you get stuck im coming down your way may 16th ill wire it and set it up for you if you want, pm if your interested!





cheers james i might well take you up on that! i should be a ble to get the wiring sorted but if you have the time to take a look at it and maybe get it started i would be gratefull, i'll let you know how i get on




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Im having similar problems! Although I was connected to the ms ecu for about 5 minutes, now it wont connect!


My wiring checked out ok but after a few turns of the key it refuses to connect!! I have tried 2 different rs232-hubs on 3 laptops and managed to get hold of a laptop with the correct 9 pin serial port as to rule out the hub not working correctly!


Arrgh Im worried that I fried something but cant see why! So I have also sent back my ECU to extraefi so he can check it out. I was soooo close so hearing the v6 growl for the first time!! Im screwing lol

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Mad Professor

The earth (Ground) of the MegaSquirt is the most important thing here.


The megasquirt only needs around 1amp of +12v to run.


But eveything that is run by the megasquirt is switched ground, Fuel Pump Relay, Ign Coil(s), Injectors, Idle Vavle, ect, ect.


Depending on what you are running you might need anything upto 10amps on the ground, so make sure your megasquirt loom has lots of ground wires.


I have seen to meny megasquirt installs with pepole only having one or two ground pins (wires) at the megasquirt end.


When I build looms, I use a min of 9 ground pins on the megasquirt each pin I use 0.5mm wire upto 1" then I tie the wires into sets of 3 and use a min of 1.0mm or 1.5mm wire for the rest of the loom.


On the subject of grounds, always make sure that your MegaSquirt and Sensors share the same ground point, otherwise you can have problems later on.


If you have the engine running at the megasquirt reset more then likey it's ground noise.


If you are running Coil Pack or COP's you must run Resisitor type plugs to stop noise and spikes.


You must make sure that anything that your megasquirt controls does not have power on when the Megasquirt is off, as this will feed power back into the unit and kill it.


Key off, no power to megasquirt, injectors, ign coil, ect.

Key on, power to megasquirt, injectors.

Key on, cranking (running), power on to megasquirt, injectors, ign coil, ect.


USB to Serial adaptors are a royal pain in the ass, when they work they work nice, but when you have a problem all hell can brake lose, anything from just not talking to the megasquirt or erasing the data sorted in the Megasquirt CPU.


There are two main programs to use with MegaSquirt now, (1) MegaTune, (2) StudioTuner.


If you are using MegaTune and most pepole do, I hope you are running "MegaTune P3" if you are and you are having problems talking to the MegaSquirt ECT goto Start, Programs, MegaSquirt, "MS Port Checker", And if this does not see your MegaSquirt, Megatune will not.


If you still can not connected to your MegaSquirt, remove it and just connect power directly to the ECU.


+12volts on pin 28 (Do not directly connect to a battery put a fuse inline, no more then 2amp fuse).

Ground on pins 1,2,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19


As you can see there are 15 ground pins in total on the MegaSquirt ECU.


I hope this is of some help to you.

Edited by Mad Professor

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