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1900 Sump Spacer

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Does anyone know if you can remove the 1900 sump spacer?


I remember reading somewhere on here that you can run a 1600 sump without any problems but can find the post


Any advice would be appreciated




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Why would you want to remove it? from what ive read, it adds strength to the block.

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Why would you want to remove it? from what ive read, it adds strength to the block.


i have damaged my sump and have a 1600 sump but not sure if they are different

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Why would you want to remove it? from what ive read, it adds strength to the block.

Its a stiffener for the block but you camn run them with a 1.6 GTI sump if you remove it with no ill effe3ct, Miles' CTI is like this & I ran my 1.9 like it for a while including trackdays.


You can also use the Mi alloy minus the spacer wothout problems.



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You can also use the Mi alloy minus the spacer wothout problems.


Are you sure ???????

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I thought you needed to use the spacer plate with the Mi sump, or do you mean the mi block with the 1.6 sump?

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been running my 1.9 with a 1.6 sump for a few years now with no problems

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You can also use the Mi alloy minus the spacer wothout problems.
Are you sure ???????

Yes, I'm sure because I did this on my car for a while. The Mi sump is deeper than the 1.9 steel sump & roughly the same depth as the 1.6 steel sump.


When I had the spacer in I struggled to get any oil temp with an oil water heat exchanger (it was November though) because the sump was so effective so I tried it without the spacer for a few weeks before swapping back to a steel sump & stiffener plate.



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so why did peugeot only put the spacer/stiffner on the 1.9 only

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the 1.9 sump is shallower than the 1.6 sump. I beleive it is there to also help with block stiffness on the larger engines.

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