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Removing Head

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Thought I'd start another thread for this. The car in question is a 2.0 xsi 8v 1994.


I've managed to remove most of the stuff of the top of the engine, to get the head off. Couple of questions:


1. Should the cam cover/airbox contraption come off without removing the master cylinder - it seems to be stuck under it, and I don't want to force it.


2. Upper cambelt cover - I've undone the two bolts either side and it seems to be loose, but again it won't actually come off, and I don't want to force it without knowing if it should just come off now.


Any other pointers? I've never removed a head before :lol:





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Tom Fenton

I've only ever worked on one of these once a long time ago, but I do seem to remember having to disconnect the engine mount and lower the engine on a jack to get the cam cover off past the master cylinder.

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As Tom said, you need to lower that side of the engine really, Cr*p design there really

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You dont need to move the engine, just unbolt the reservoir off the master cylinder. Couple of 13mm bolts hold it on. Its a million times easier than getting involved with jacks etc.


The upper cambelt cover is partially held by the lower one so you will have to slacken the lower first. There is a slight lip to negotiate where the head meets the block too so you'll have to move the bottom of the upper cover out slightly to clear it.


As for other pointers, I presume you will have all the inlet side off already, its all pretty self explanatory. As for exhaust Ive always found it easier to leave the manifold on, just undo the two sprung bolts holding it to the downpipe.


Dont forget to undo all the sensors on the head, the 2 coolant temp sensors are easy to miss as they're on the back of the head. The knock sensor under the coil pack will need unbolting too.


Oh and without being too obvious dont forget to drop the coolant before undoing the headbolts!

You will need a long bar (longer the better) and T55 torx bit to get the bolts off, make sure the bit is good quality as there is an awful lot of force in there.


If you havent undone the crank pulley bolt make sure you do it before you remove the starter motor as you can get a good wedge in there with a big screwdriver.


Anything else you need just give me a shout, I can do this procedure in my sleep now!



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