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Tom Fenton

306 Gti6 Gearbox

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Tom Fenton

I'm mid way through doing the clutch on a 306 GTI6. After much grunting and swearing I have got the gearbox on the floor, but christ what a pig to physically get it out of the confines of the engine bay.


I've removed the battery tray, the linkage bracket on the rear of the box, and the clutch cable bracket, but it seems a real tight squeeze to get the speedo housing out past the subframe/engine.


Is there any trick to making this easier that I am missing? It was a pig to get out and I'm guessing getting it back in will be even worse.........I'm actually considering dropping the subframe to make more room? Or is it worth removing the speedo housing?

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The subframe is what, 6 bolts or so, so it might be worth dropping it. Saying that, I never have when I've removed the box, but there is definatly a knack to it. Usually involves rotating the box, offering it up and then rotating it back to the correct orientation and bolting it in.

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remove the speedo housing and the mounting stud, goes in a bit easier then, its weight doesn't help :rolleyes: (well its too heavy for me anyway!)


found I didn't need to remove the clutch cable bracket as that gives something to grab hold of, thoiugh a sheet of cardboard over the rad is a good idea, to protect knuckles as much as the rad itself.

Edited by welshpug

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there is definatly a knack


but isn't it always the way. you struggle like a **** and it just won't go anywhere near :rolleyes:


then you take 10 mins, wipe the beads of sweat away from your forehead, swear a lot, have a cuppa, look at the gearbox, compose yourself, then have another go......................and in it goes :wacko:


but as welshpug says.

remove the speedo housing and the mounting stud, goes in a bit easier then


that can help

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These are the easiest box's to swap I;ve found in std trim, even quicker than a 205, A Welshy said remove the Spike and Speedo housing and the eye on top of the box is a idea balance point to lift it back in with

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Tom Fenton

I'll get the speedo housing off and see if that helps then, I can't see how you find it easier than a 205, I've had the box in and out of mine 3 times recently and find it easy, but even getting the box out of this GTI6 was a pig, trying to get the diff housing/speedo housing out from behind the block with that poxy subframe corner slap bang in the way......

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I'll get the speedo housing off and see if that helps then, I can't see how you find it easier than a 205, I've had the box in and out of mine 3 times recently and find it easy, but even getting the box out of this GTI6 was a pig, trying to get the diff housing/speedo housing out from behind the block with that poxy subframe corner slap bang in the way......



I agree with you Tom, 205's are a piece of cake to change boxes in but that silly release bearing/clutch arm setup is enough on its own to make this job an utter twat.



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Tom Fenton

Well its back in, Maxi you sum it up to a tee, what a twat of a job, I won't be doing it again in a hurry! Taking the speedo drive and mounting pin out as suggested did help things a lot.

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Start to finish should only take a shade over a hour providing nothings rusty, the clutch bearing too is a doddle and you don;t have to worry about it falling off

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Tom Fenton

HA HA HA very funny!

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that's the thing, he's not joking!

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I have done it once when I was in a rush, When everything come's undone which I know isn;t normally the case it's possible on the GTi6 at least, I know if say it was a S16 it would take hours due to the cr**y inlet manifold and stuff plonked over the box

Edited by Miles

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HA HA HA very funny!



Thats what I thought too. Well done for getting it back together, not something I would like to do in a hurry either.



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