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Ecu Unlocking....

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Hi all,


I've got a 406 2.0 Turbo that doesn't have a keypad, I gather it uses a transponder type method to unlock the ECU... Stupidly I removed the engine before unlocking the ECU, Didn't think until the engine was on the floor ;)


Anyway, what options are there to get it unlocked? Does it have to be sent away? Can I plug the wiring loom back in, turn the ignition on and then remove the ECU? A friend of mine has a 406 2.0 Turbo, but his has a Keypad, does all ECU's have a keycode? If I knew this could I plug it in to his and then unlock it? If so, any ideas where to get the code from?


Thanks all,


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still got the donor vehicle? if so you can plug the ecu back in and connect the battery, turn the ignition to the second position, then cut the power by disconnecting the battery ;)

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still got the donor vehicle? if so you can plug the ecu back in and connect the battery, turn the ignition to the second position, then cut the power by disconnecting the battery ;)


Thanks for that :lol: I still have the donor vehicle. I removed the engine with the loom still connected so I'll have to disconnect it all then reconnect it. Will I only need to connect the two round multi pin plugs?




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not sure on the layout of the loom in the 406, you need to have the ecu's constant live feed connected as well as its switched live, switched live would usually be in the round plugs but the constant may be from a shunt box feed similar to the double relay.

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