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Gaz Coilovers And No Gaz Eccentric Top Mounts?

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is it possible?


a friend is looking to buy some gaz coilvers the GHA version


but does he need to run gaz eccentric top mounts? or can he run compbrake ones for example?


he dont mind either way B)

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I'm pretty sure that Gaz supplies compbrake mounts as their own eccentrics anyway, if I see Dave tommorow I'll confirm it with him.

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They are for me, trying to sort some suspension for the 205

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When i last sppoke to Gaz, they said all i needed was a collet i think for mine, then i can use them with any top mounts.

Though ive also heard that unless you asked for it when ordered, the threaded rod is too short for use with eccentric mounts ?


Personally, im waiting for the Baker ones, as they look a lot easier to setup.

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The ones I got from Gaz were identical to Compbrake.


Thread is short to fit the way they want you to even when specified for their topmounts. I ended up mounting it a slightly different (but in my eyes perfectly reasonable) way.


Can't find my post though, must've been a while back.

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