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Snapped Speedo Cable Trouble

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My speedo cable snapped a few weeks back and i went to change it this evening, its snapped right at the bottom where the pin enters the gearbox and the pin is still in but i cant get it out.


I've tried to remove the housing from the gearbox but it wont budge, any ideas how to get it out or is it a gearbox off job?



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My speedo cable snapped a few weeks back and i went to change it this evening, its snapped right at the bottom where the pin enters the gearbox and the pin is still in but i cant get it out.


I've tried to remove the housing from the gearbox but it wont budge, any ideas how to get it out or is it a gearbox off job?




Remove the 11mm bolt that holds the (once) white cable retainer push a phillips screwdriver through the hole where the rubber retainer came out and lift/ rotate the white plastic 'till it comes out. Take the red speedo drive gear out . If you can't get the broken end out ( Hint - steal her indoors' eyebrow tweezers when she's not looking ;) ) just get a new drive from dealer.

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Thanks for the reply,


That was my plan earlier but i couldn't budge it. I'll have another go tomorrow.


As long as i know it possible.





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