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[trackday_prep] Paul's Gti6

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What's the advantages of fitting a Xsara box over the 1.6 box?


Xsara VTS Box uses the same ratios as the 406 T16 alledgedly


Is that a good thing?



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The casing is better as it gains you another 2 bolts to the engine, Internals are weaker thou as they are based on the BE4 box, Output shaft is a different length too so makes its a pain to swap if needed


Ratio's are around the same as the Mi16/S16

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Output shaft is a different length too so makes its a pain to swap if needed


Bugger, whats the chance of this happening...

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very good fit, I have the gearbox on my 205, but you need a sump of oil suitable


this is mine


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Update (at last!)


Haven't had time to wipe my arse in the last few weeks thanks to my 306.


Here was one of my problems:





New wishbones due to this (these were brand new wishbones with around 5-6months of heavy use, never buy cheap sh!t wishbones!)



The rear pads decide to all go to metal at the same time

Top engine mount cradle decides to crack and snap

New tyres

Finally fixed the rust on sill, here's a pic of the old rusty bit cut out.

(the old repair rear 1/4 was simply lapped and fillered over shocking!)



Apart from that the engines started faultlessly, *TOUCHWOOD* the turbo will last for a bit longer as I think the seals are going, the engines drinking oil slowly and the turbo feels sluggish to kick in sometimes and a bit smokey.


MOT's Saturday, so please lord let this french bag of sh!te have another years ticket :(


Any way onto 205's, I fitted my battery box :)



Tried to fit the std 306 airbox in but to no avail, need to chop brackets and try again. (Toight as a tiger!)


I know it's the wrong way round.


Instead I used a bit of pipe from a Escort XR3i (cheers ryanstdt) and relocated the airfilter.



Don't look right :) The 205 wheels are on the 306 as i'm running out of tyres due to the tracking being out.



Here's a pic I promised for someone (can't remembered who) to show how the 306 hubs are "hollowed out" compared to 205 hubs




Down at the local scrappy I saw this 205 8v turbo, turns out a company in Oxford converted it for him here's 1 pic of their DODGY work:




See if you can see what they've done.

It turns out they rebuilt the engine and then ran it without oil... D!ckheads. So now this poor bloke has to source a new engine.

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Decided to lower the back yesterday, the bars came out with a washer and bolt :D

Looks alot better:




Am I missing a few parts from this? It's a 24mm ARB off Taylorspug, when installed it doesn't seem locked central it was moving about. I've sent him a PM but was hoping to get this fixed today.




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are the black rubber bushes about 17mm long still in the end of the trailing arm or missing?

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Thought I missed something.


Anybody got any spare, haven't got time to be going to the mainstealers?



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I acquired the 2 bushes I needed and now the ARB sits nice and snug, I needed to shave a bit off the end with a grinder to make sure if fitted nicely.


Only done small bits recently:


Sprayed strut brace, slam panel black.


Went over spoiler again and touched up some body work



Just about to get cracking with the cage and exhaust :P

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Here's the exhaust I welded up from bits off Baz and old exhaust parts. Lick of paint also :wub:





Doesn't sit too proud either.



Black grille, needs dirtying up a bit to suit car :D Cheers Kate



Does any body know what struts these are?

They're at a local scrappy and I swear they're not standard items. The shock looks like it's shorter than standard and the rod has a flat slot on the top, the springs look like they used to be purple.



Can anybody shed some light?


Started on cage mounts today and will have it finished tomorrow :lol:

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Cage in at last :)





Swapped over engine loom to a known working one to try and make my rev counter work but to no avail.

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Few more pics:








Can't believe I missed the whole of that Russel Watkins thread :) Just read it all a min ago :D

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Clean :(



Drive's a bit p!ssed





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Bit of an update:


Just fitted 306 gti6 hubs onto 309 running and the difference is amazing, would recommend this setup to anybody. Alot more stable than 205 hubs on 309 running gear.


Alternator tensioner I fabricated out of a S16 alternator bracket and a bit of threaded rod (and a bracket from a fixing at work)



When the long driveshaft shot out of intermidiate bearing, big puddle of gearbox oil on floor :(



It's finally gone but lives on with a new owner, he's a mate so will be seeing it around.



Beautiful place, can't remember where it was lol. The road going off into distance is alot longer than it looks.



A flywheel I changed for a mate, was an early version had it's problems lol.



On the way to work... oops



Fixed :ph34r:



Ryan's and my motor :o




Is this heater in the TB needed? It's a 6 TB. Was thinking of blanking these off as I don't want oil returning into intake.



Apart from that I've just replaced top rad hose as old one was bulging really badly and added rad flush to system which I'll drain out tomorow :)

Edited by Paul_13

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Nice work Paul, whats left to do now?

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Cheers, just spent last 3 hours cleaning and waxing car.

Used autoglym wheel cleaner the other day and it's buggered my wheels...


Apart from that:


Get AVO coilovers rebuilt

New head and block, which I may have sorted :)

Then a petert cam and chip possibly

and nick Mikey's Jenvies :)



Also going to be building a 2.1 on the side ready to drop in at some point.

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Bit of update, acquired a few bits at Pugfest.


Yesterday/Today's progress:


Resonator box is back on, see what difference it makes


Dropped subframe earlier and started swapping exhaust mani over, pics say it all :ph34r:



^ Loads more clearance


Where old one was rubbing :huh:




Loads more room, should be able to untilt engine now :lol:



I'll be getting in touch Graham



309 bone I got through the other day, bushe hole looks p!ssed as!

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Why are you putting the resonator back on out of interest?

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I've heard off somepeople you gain torque, others you loose it. There's a couple of arguement topics on here.


And to see if it will quieten it down a touch, I found a few pins holes in exhaust so gotta weld them up tomorow.


Just trial and error really mate.

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Fair enough, will be interesting to see if it makes a difference but I'm pretty sure it won't affect your power at all. Resonators are there only to remove problem frequencies, you might have the same low end growl as me at around 3K, I kinda like it though. :)

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Right, back at last!


Been a real sh!t time recently, engines blowing up and allsorts...


To begin with I ripped the original 6 engine out, this was the one with 175, 160, 120 & 180 PSI across the cyliners and replaced it with a known working engine.



Old one out




This was half the problem :)



A week after installing the new engine, I thought it would be good to chase a TVR. This was the result:

Spot the bearing...



There it is!



I think due to myself not tightening the bottom pulley fully; or a dodgy bottom pulley, the oil pump sprocket was not clamped into place hence no oil pressure...


Out with the engine AGAIN!


Sourced a new engone off a mate, now had to swap all the bits over

Came round to do the timing belt and found these AND a rebuilt head! The sump has been off aswell :) Now it doesn't sound like it's cammed on idle but pulls more than a train!

Can anybody shed some light on these? I haven't look under the rocker to see if there's any stamps BTW




Getting a Xsara beam apart after trying with a sledgehamer bigger than a brick, with the beam hooked around a post, it was NOT moving well 4mm worth for 2 hours of battering it!




Edited by Paul_13

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s*it luck mate! This is brilliant though.. :)



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sounds like you`ve had some s*ite luck recently mate...


really hope things turn around for you...



^^^ that exhaust pic did make me chuckle though...

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I know, sod's law hanging over my head.


Slowly starting to pick up though, just got weld a few things up and we're sorted :)









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Raised the back end yesterday by about 10-15mm. Will stop the back end rubbing through the trims.


Need to rebuild the coilovers and raise front a little, feeling to put the car back to standard height to try and solve understeer.



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