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Battery Charging...

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A wee but occasionaly very irritating problem...

Basically, unless i take revs past about 3500, the battery is not getting charged. Tell tale signs include slightly dim lights, sluggish wipers etc.

Obviously, this is rarely a problem, but sometimes (like yesterday) when for example i have very little petrol in the car, i bumble along changing gear at low revs, forgetting that the battery is getting drained. I stop, put fuel in, and then of course discover that the car won't start. Very chuffin annoying.

Anyone else experience this? Is it a shonky voltage regulator/alternator?

One of my friends has the same problem on an old series 3 land rover....





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It's the "excite wire" on the alternator. There is the main thicker cable that goes to the starter from the alternator and a smaller spade connector that goes to the brown multiplug (excite wire).


I'd take this off and clean it up and make sure the connection is ok...

Edited by Ethos

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Tom Fenton

Yes, as above, also check the connection through the brown multiplug of doom is OK.


I'll bet that your battery light isn't working either?

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Cheers for the responses - I'll have a gander this week at some point and take advantage of the nice extra hour of daylight.

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