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Removing Engine Mount

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I have baker bm engine mounts on my 205, I am spraying my engine bay and attacking the bits of rust which has set in and could do with removing my top engine mount, problem is i am sure when i fitted it it was simply a case of screwing it in , however now using blocks of wood and a hammer im having difficulty in getting it to shift. I could get a screw driver and hammer it around with that and a hammer but id sooner not ruin the mount if possible. Any ideas. It will be anti clockwise to remove it wont it ?

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yeah its just a case of chisel/screwdriver and a hammer to knock it round. You might scuff the metal lip slightly but you wont damaged it badly, thats how i've removed all stiff ones in the past,oooh err

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there is a tool for the job, not sure where you can get them from though, I made my own one from a suitable piece of scrap truck exhaust pipe.




6 cuts with a hacksaw and bend each tab inwards, these engage with the slots in the mount, place a bar through the holes drilled in the side :rolleyes:

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