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pee vee

New Floorpan For 205

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pee vee

Anyone know Anywhere that does new floor pans (drivers side) for a 205?


possibly a boot floor too!?


I cant find anywhere, the guy thats doing my car hasnt found anything either :P


the car isnt too bad, but i just wanted these bits making like new really!





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You can only get the boot floor from pug as far as I know and they aint cheap :P As for the floor pan I would guess that would be pug too if they still do them. Edit: and I think its the whole front bit n/s and o/f if not front and back as well. They dont seam to do many indivdual panels from what I could see on service box when I was looking for mine.

Edited by marksorrento205

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pee vee

Pug were asked today..... £400 + VAT for boot floor :P:D


and they said they only do floorpans that are attached to a complete shell LOL

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Go to the breakers.

I bought half a 205 for £60 and cut the boot floor out and welded it in my pug.

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Pug were asked today..... £400 + VAT for boot floor :ph34r::lol:


and they said they only do floorpans that are attached to a complete shell LOL


That will be the boot floor. I managed to get it for £320 ish I think inc vat as my parts guy was sound and gave me mega discount. The place has shut down now :lol:

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if you got to ebay.fr there are plenty to sell there and cheap!!!

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Ther was a full shell going for £105 not long ago.

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