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Help! How To Close Electric Windows

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I have removed the engine from the car and some of the wiring including the battery. I have left the electric windows open though and now want to close them. Can I find the power and earth for the window motors, connect them directly to a battery and close them ? If so which wires am I looking for or is there another way ?





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If you get the plug for the windows which go into the switch on th door and its the 2 end wires which are the positive and negitive (think one is grey and one is green or yellow) strip 2 bit o wire n connect to a battery n that should sort it out, had same problem wit mine wen it was being transported to get re-sprayed windows open, engine out and pissing wit rain :blush:

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If you get the plug for the windows which go into the switch on th door and its the 2 end wires which are the positive and negitive (think one is grey and one is green or yellow) strip 2 bit o wire n connect to a battery n that should sort it out, had same problem wit mine wen it was being transported to get re-sprayed windows open, engine out and pissing wit rain :blush:

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Cheers, got it sorted now.



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