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A Strange Knock

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Hi Guys


Got a annoying knocking noise on my Gti (Like Everyone!)


It an odd one , when I pull out of my drive and go down the camber on the path and onto the road on full lock it give one clonk. It also does it sometimes when I tap the brakes while moving. Its only ever one clonk though , never does it when Im hitting bumps...going over speed humps etc.


The following parts and under a year old, Gaz coilovers with new BBM top mount bushes and new bearings, droplinks, wheel bearings, poly wishbone bushes and BBM engine mount set.


Wishbones and TRE's are around 15-20k old.


The shell is on around 140k though and I think it may have the original PS rack on it still, is there any common parts on these that wear causing a knock? As occasionally the steering feels slightly "swimmy". Maybe the UJ?


Any Advice Is Appreciated :D



Edited by Bakes100

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Get underneath and see if theres any play in the wishbone bushes (wouldnt be surprised if theyre knackered after 20k), or if you can see a bolt has been moving. Also check the balljoint on the end of the wisbone and all the subframe bolts.


Mine goes clunk if i stand on the brakes hard, and ive never been able to find out what it was either, so i'd be interested to see what you find!

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Are you reversing out? You can get a clonk due to brakes moving slightly on the mountings, I had this on a GLD many years ago, calipers were moving slightly on their pins so you got a clonk when first pressing teh brakes in reverse. Don't remember for sure if I also got it once going foward but I don't think I did.



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ye, if you are changing direction and touch brakes for the first time you often get a clunk (in any car).

might be worth checking calipers for play or damage to the seals on the sliding bushes and also the pads that they are a snug fit in the calipers.

if its not excessive you might not need to worry about it but if in doubt get a second opinion.

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That type of knocking noise is usualy caused by suspention or steering bolt moving around in its hole. check all your bolts. steering rack, lower arms, ball joints, subframe, engine mounts and so on.



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perhaps check that the lower ball joint pin is not moving about in the pinch bit of the hub, get a crow bar underneath it and try to move, then a jack underneath the lower arm ball joint and jack it up, if either moves, there is your clunk.


you may either need a new pinch bolt, or hub..





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