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Crankshaft Seals

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I've got oil leakin from crankshft seals (gear box side) so i've bitten the bullet and im gonna do it next weekend in my mates garage but i havent done anything like this before so has anyone got a good link in showing how to do it?


I've got a haynes manual but not sure how good they are for this so any help would be appricated.


are there any quick and easy ways or any tricks to do this job, anything i should be careful of??

How much gear oil do you put back in box-1 litre?

What seal do i need for the gearbox side-looked on gsf and its got a front and back?





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I replaced the seal when I had the gearbox off last, It might be worth replacing the clutch at the same time. To remove the seal I drilled a small hole in it and used a self tapping screw and pulled it out with a pair of pliers. When fitting the new seal, it needs to go in square. I tapped it in with a punch and a hammer.


As for gearbox oil, drain it all and replace it. It takes around 2 litres I think. There is a filler hole on the side of the gearbox (Passenger wheel) when it comes out the hole its at the correct level.




I've got oil leakin from crankshft seals (gear box side) so i've bitten the bullet and im gonna do it next weekend in my mates garage but i havent done anything like this before so has anyone got a good link in showing how to do it?


I've got a haynes manual but not sure how good they are for this so any help would be appricated.


are there any quick and easy ways or any tricks to do this job, anything i should be careful of??

How much gear oil do you put back in box-1 litre?

What seal do i need for the gearbox side-looked on gsf and its got a front and back?





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I've always pulled old seals out (carefully!) with a screwdriver. Wrap the end in gaffer tape and push it between the seal lip and the crank, then you can lever the seal out.

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I always use a screw driver to prise them out, im fairly sure a bit of swarf will get into the oil gallery when driling and screwing into the old seal, not good for the internals.


Your supposed to use a drift to knock the new one in so it just acting on the very outside lip of the seal and not damaging the seal lips but as said above will be fine thats what i did as its a big seal that one, i would deffo do the clutch for the sake of 40 quid unless yours is recent (not stiff)



Edited by jj205

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