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Stalling At Idle

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I know this has been done before but iv done all the usual stuff. This might drag on a bit aswell,sorry. I bought the car with a blown engine,got another engine,replaced cambelt,water pump,plugs,leads,cap,rotor arm,oil and filter,drove car home(only a short way) lovely jubbly,no probs. Got the car on the road as my everyday drive and noticed that when braking up to junctions the revs dip down and quite often stall,i thought ill try a new air flow meter as this is common,no joy,checked for air leaks,all ok. It never idled well from cold so i replaced the SAD,still no better (didnt think it would be), Checked cambelt timing and ignition timing,all ok,removed a power boost valve that was fitted,no improvement,checked all the wiring,found a few bad repairs,soldered them up,cleaned all my earths,still no better. Booked it in at a local Bosch dealer,they told me that when the ide drops below 100RPM it loses manifold vacuum,i thought great,fitted a duff engine,leaky valve/piston ring,i took it to work when one of my mates said connect it to another car with jump leads,i did this started it,idling fine turned all electricals on,still fine,removed the jump leads and it hunted and stalled,untill this point i never even thought it would be an electrical fault,im guessing its the power taken by the brake light bulbs that is making the revs drop and not the vacuum taken by the servo. I checked the alternator charging rate,all ok but thought could it be a dodgy alternator so replaced it for a known good one i have,still no improvement. I have tried to give you all the information i can think of,gaurenteed iv forgot something though. If anyone has had something similar or could give me any suggestions on things to check or try it would be much appreciated,this problem has been ongoing for about 2months now and although i have improved it,i havnt cured it,and is very frustrating. Its also frustrating as i am a mechanic and cant fix it :wacko:


Many thanks in advance

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Check the idle mixture - I would guess that it's too high, and really doesn't help the idle at all. Aim for around 1% CO and around 900rpm idle speed with electrical load (fans, lights, heated screen etc). Also, you say that you've checked the ignition timing - what did you do and what have you checked it against? Not enough advance doesn't help matters either in my experience.


More often than not in my experience, it's several things that cause idle issues, rather than just one thing, and normally takes a bit of tweeking to get them spot on.

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Check the idle mixture - I would guess that it's too high, and really doesn't help the idle at all. Aim for around 1% CO and around 900rpm idle speed with electrical load (fans, lights, heated screen etc). Also, you say that you've checked the ignition timing - what did you do and what have you checked it against? Not enough advance doesn't help matters either in my experience.


More often than not in my experience, it's several things that cause idle issues, rather than just one thing, and normally takes a bit of tweeking to get them spot on.


I have checked the mixture,mine runs best at 2%,i also checked mine with all electrical loads on aswell and for the ignition timing i have set it slightly more advanced than Peugeot recommend as that also made it run better and i find that they perform better with a bit more advance.


Another thing that is worth mentioning is when its idling if you put dipped headlamps on the revs drop loads and then slowly build back up again.

What actually controlls the idle? Im guessing its a mix of throttle position senser and air flow meter position flap.


Thanks for the quick reply

Edited by pugdamo

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What actually controlls the idle? Im guessing its a mix of throttle position senser and air flow meter position flap.

There isn't really any form of "idle control" on 8v Jetronic, which is why you need to tweek it to get it all spot on. The idle speed is basically solely a function of the throttle stop, the idle speed screw, idle mixture, and ignition advance. The idle speed will drop a little with electrical load, as there's nothing to compensate for the extra drag from the alternator, but if it's dropping excessively and trying to stall that's usually a sign that something else isn't setup properly.

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Yo Damo


This happened when I had the engine too, I think I've said the same thing in the the other thread but I advanced the timing a little bit and ending up with an idle of around 1k. Was good as gold after that...



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Yo Damo


This happened when I had the engine too, I think I've said the same thing in the the other thread but I advanced the timing a little bit and ending up with an idle of around 1k. Was good as gold after that...




I have advanced the timing a bit further than Peugeot recommend,dont want to go much more as it may start pinking,iv got it idling at 950 rpm perfect,but as soon as i put lights on or any electrical consumers it starts playing around,it doesnt stall as much as it used to but the revs dip quite low quite often,im a bit fussy with things like this and would like to cure it. I need to pop round to see you soon to show you. Im interested in seeing the MI aswell.

Edited by pugdamo

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I'm getting exactly the same problem, electrical load results in revs dropping right off. wasn't too much of a problem, but i've just fitted an amplifier(so i can listen to meatloaf loud!) now it stalls. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread..

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Amp out, problem solved.

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