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Best Baffle For 16v Engine

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First off, I don't want to use a GTi6 sump with spacer and extended pickup, I cannot afford dry sumping or an accusump.


I will be using a GTi6 head and a tin sump. The oil pump will be a gti6 one with the chain cover and the gti6 chain/ sprocket.


I was looking at using the DES Developments one that they developed for a 306 running a MI16 engine in the LMA saloon car series, but as DES don't seem to be doing anything at the moment is the only other option the PTS / Constella baffle ?






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I can recommend the PTS I had one in my Mi way back.


apparently DES aren't trading anymore :wacko:

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I can recommend the PTS I had one in my Mi way back.


apparently DES aren't trading anymore :wacko:


That explains why no-one there is picking up the phone or returning calls, then!


Noubt wrong with the PTS/pattern one here - it's a bit of a fiddle to fit/remove, granted, but with a bit of careful grinding of a few key points it can fit over the pump a lot easier. I would recommend thoroughly investigating a new one for weld spatter/balls and make sure you remove them before fitting - mine had lots of little spats on and I'd have hated for them to get sucked up into the oilways (mind you, filter should/would have done it's job)...

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After trawling through lots of different posts on this forum and some other forums I have concluded, rightly or wrongly the following :

1. Vertical plates with trapdoors are required.

2. A windage tray also helps.

3. Vertical plates as used in the PTS baffle are OKish but need to be used in conjuction with 1.

4. Chain guard is good to stop the frothing of the oil.


Other things that I am not sure of is using horizontal plates to make a V at the oil pump pick up, but effectively reducing the oil capacity. I can see the theory but wouldn't really want to reduce the oil capacity or doesn't it matter ? I presume less oil would get hotter quicker but if you have sufficient cooling (oil cooler with oil stat) would this be a problem ? Could it even be beneficial in helping the engine get up to temp quicker ?


Anyone fancy designing the ultimate XU9 baffle ?


Feel free to comment and tell me that it already exists (400euro for the 306 grpA product is not appealling esp. as I would probably have to modify it anyway to fit into the tin sump).



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