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[trackday_prep] Cameron's Mi16 / Gti6 Hybrid

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Can't measure camber though. :ph34r: Well, unless I use a spirit level and some cunning maths..


Not sure how much the eccentric mounts add, it already had 1.5deg so I'm guessing its something like 3 or 4 now! Might back a little off in favour of some castor but it seems to work pretty nicely as it is.

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I'm figuring on setting as it is, then maybe backing off the camber for the cross europe blat and then "fixing" it when we get to the campsite for ring bashing. taking a tyre pressure gauge??

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I'll have a digi pressure guage with me. :ph34r:

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Tom Fenton

I always measure camber with a level, a tape measure, then simple bit of trig. Works fine.

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An inclinometer would work quite nicely, I think for now we'll go for the low budget method of spirit level and GCSE maths. :)

Backing the camber off is a good idea methinks, I'll be taking my jack along so we can just dial it back in when we get there.


I've got a pressure gauge too, £7 from the Snap-on van. Its better than a digi gauge 'cos you cal let air out at the same time. :lol:

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have you got a picture of it Cam? my mate lost his one he uses for his rally car, £7 sounds good!

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It was on offer. :lol:




Nice bit of kit!

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Busy again today, I decided I didn't like my indicator stalk mount so I dug out my old steering column and cut the mounts off it, then cut some little bits up and ended up with this lot.




Put it all together and..






Looks a little funny in the first pic, but the aim was to get the stalks level on the wheel rather than the mounts level.


Next I welded a little tab on to the column to self-cancel the indicators, was getting a little annoying driving halfway down a road before realising the indicator was still on. :wub:






Works nicely. :(


I also raised the steering column a little bit as it was a little low.

I also had a go at fixing the oil leak, I put jubilee clips around the breathers pipes where they join to the block, hopefully it'll do. Also made a start on my electrics cover, its drying off at the moment and will hopefully be ready tomorrow. :)

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Blimey you're doing alot of prep! I kicked the tyres on mine the other day, checked the oil- should be good to go! Oh and i may buy a few new CDs for the journey... :wub:

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:wub: Well its been a work in progress for so long there's been loads of unfinished jobs! Just got these last few to go and fingers crossed that's going to be it!

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my prep has been to try and convince baz not to do 100+ leptons across europe with the bikes on the back :wub:

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Ahhh you're coming along then Tom? :wub:


Who's actually coming with us? All I know is: Me, James, Baz, Taylorspug and you.

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Who's actually coming with us? All I know is: Me, James, Baz, Taylorspug and you.

Me and James_R

Baz and Tom_M

You and Rosie

Kenno and Bono

Kenno's friend Jamie and his passenger



Eerrrrr, I think that's it :wub:

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my prep has been to try and convince baz not to do 100+ leptons across europe with the bikes on the back :(


It'll be fine. Its only an 8 valve. Just bring a spare poxy taccy relay in your pocket.


Have fun chaps, wish i could go this year :wub:

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Looks like a good crowd. :wub:


All in 205s I take it?

Edited by Cameron

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Yup - two 8v's, two Mi16's, one GTi-6 on 'bodies, and then your Mi-6 hybrid :wub:

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Awesome. :( Most of them are black too. :wub:

Edited by Cameron

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Blimey you're doing alot of prep! I kicked the tyres on mine the other day, checked the oil- should be good to go! Oh and i may buy a few new CDs for the journey... :P


Yes: but you have a Bluepoint right foot Dan, accurate to 0.002 psi. ;)


Wish I was going. Lucky bastards.


Beware the French rozzers. :) . 45Euro fine for my number plate location.

Edited by DrSarty

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45 Poxy Euros!! Is that it?? You lucky bastard. They had 300 off me last year!



I'm just back home from Edinburgh in the TB'd Mi, sorely tempted to take it... :)


And Tom, i only slipped a bit above 100 leptons a few times, and that's with almost twice the power. Just strap the bikes down properly and it'll be 'reet! ;)



Edinburgh to Herts in about 6 and a bit hours can't be bad. I need sleep. I love throttle bodies. Bwaaaaarrrrrrrrp! :P

Edited by Baz

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Yeah that's list, but mines an 8v "hybird" engine too you know!!! not just lardy-dar 16v engine that can be hybridised :)


Dan hasn't got a passenger despit my best efforts :(


all 205, 6 will go but how many will return?? I'm not sure I like those odds you know :P


there's 3 black (fastest colour), 1 gray, 1 silver and 1 miami


I've still got to swap brake fluid out, attempt to fit another sunstrip and oil change too. oh and tracking. so not tooo much ;)

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'Hybird' is for winners eh Cam? :)


A new trend is hereby started. We make 'hybirds', not hybrids here. :P;)


The next tandem engine building should be XU10 blocks, one with an Mi head and one with a GTI6 head; all other things equal. Nuts on block yet again...I think the Mi head will 'win'. I'm like Maxi; I love Mi.

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yep hybirds are the future!! (was a deliberate mis-spell) [although come insurance time it does confuse the poor insurance people trying to explain esp if you've dropped the capacity!!]


Why lardy Iron blocks?? alloy for the win!! Iron is for drain hole covers :)


s16 FTW (on an alloy block)

Edited by James_R

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yep hybirds are the future!! (was a deliberate mis-spell) [although come insurance time it does confuse the poor insurance people trying to explain esp if you've dropped the capacity!!]


Why lardy Iron blocks?? alloy for the win!! Iron is for drain hole covers :)


s16 FTW (on an alloy block)


Hybrids are the future, but my I ask why you forgot to mention that the real fastest colour is 'Cherry Red' even in the pink/orange state most are these days... its pink and orange due to the speed its going and losing the colour pigment from the paintwork!


Have fun out there at the 'ring looks like a great laugh!

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Nooo it's black yo, it superheats the skin of the car to make the air thinner as it cuts through it ;)


Cherry Pink if for paddock posers :)

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