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Mi16 Idle / Running Rough

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My 205 started running rough the other day and would not idle well if you pulled up in traffic etc.. would cut out 9 times out of 10 when trying to idle. After taking of the distributor cap / rotar arm to have a look it then started running on 3 cylinders when put back on! :(


I replaced the dizzy cap and rotar as they looked pretty worn with new items, Changed the spark plugs (old ones were really dried black / sooty ), it started up fine and was running on 4 again now but it still refuses to idle properly, I turned to the AFM and took it off and water was pouring out of the black box that houses the electrical gubbings on top!!?! :lol:B):) Guess it wasn't sealed very well then.


Dried it all up and put it back on but it now is running badly in a different way, its kind of popping plus I have a load of monkeys coming out the exhaust (black soot - not loads but it didn't use to smoke at all)


Any ideas - is my AFM totally knackered due to getting wet and thats why I have the black soot? would that also account for the idling problem? It revs ok as far as I can tell with no misfire.




Sorry forgot to mention the engine is from a 1989 BX 16v

Edited by MikeT

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Its probably buggered up the idle adjustment resistor if its got water in it, throwing the idle mixture off... the main AFM track should be ok once its dried up as long as its not corroded, but the box the idle resistor is in looks like it could probably retain water in it a lot longer. see if you can borrow a known good one to test it with?

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Cheers Andy


I am hunting through the For Sale section looking for Mi16 AFMs for sale. If any other 205 guru could let me know their opinion here I would really appreciate it.




Edited by MikeT

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