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Atari Boy

How Do Harnesses Fit To A Cage Harness Bar?

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Atari Boy

How do harnesses fit to a cage harness bar?


Forgive the thick question, I have searched, no one else has been as dim as me in the past so there is not a similar thread.


I picked up my SD 6 point cage yesterday, it has a harness bar fitted. My question is how will I attach the harness to the harness bar? I have not bought the harnesses yet so am not able to investigate first hand but from what I can see, they all have fixing plates at the end?

Can they be unthreaded successfully and refitted safely?


Thanks again.



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Remove the bolt brackets from the end of the harness then wrap it round the cage. Dead easy, you'll see as soon as you have the harnesses.

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Not all harnesses have this option so make sure you buy some designed to go around a cage.

Edited by Cloverleaf

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Atari Boy

Thanks chaps, would these work okay with the harnesses bar?





I can't tell?

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Nah they wont do it

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If you get harnesses with eyebolt clips, then you can weld eyebolts to the harness bars and use that method if you want. It's not necessarily better or worse, just gives you another option.

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most harness will go round a cage . just unthread it form the adjuster bit on strap take off the eye bolt hook wrap round bar and re thread through adjuster



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Atari Boy

Thanks for the feedback. I would lke to avoid welding the cage if possible.


Close shave with the Space harness - I have just been outbid. Thanks


How about thses, they look better. Will they loop around okay?


OMP ones

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I think both thge ones you posted will. You just undo thepart that adjusts the length which lets you slide out the clip for the eyebolt. The bar then just goes where this clip was and you put the strap back through the adjuster like how you took it out.


3" harnesses are much better though.

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Atari Boy

An inch is an inch, it all counts....

I was told that 2" harnesses are more comfortable. I have no personal experience either way.

3" looks stronger and more grown up though.

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3" is more comfortable rather than the other way around, spreads the load better! :mellow:


try ricco-racing


Bloody good vfm there considering they're basically re-branded better makes. :rolleyes:

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