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Lcd Clock Very Very Dim

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As title suggests, my LCD clock in my 205 is rubbish,


you can only read it in the light and even then its a bit risky concentrating on something that hard when the car is moving.


So, is this a common problem, is there an easy fix ?


Any opinions/suggests welcome





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definately a common problem! i think you can still get them from peugeot but at a horendous price if i remember. you could try and find a similar clock the same size and do the old switcheroo?

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Sounds like it needs a new bulb ..

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Henry Yorke

Try taking the fag lighter out an wiggling the conenctors on the back of the clock. They somethings get a bit dry

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I have the same problem, I was gonna get a new clock off ebay but they only seem to come up on ebay france, in french obviously. if you do speak french theyre like £5 i think.


Then I realised theres a bulb behind it and have been planning on getting a new one. Does anyone know if it comes out of the holder or if its an all in one type thing cos the bulbs not budging?

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Mikey S
I have the same problem, I was gonna get a new clock off ebay but they only seem to come up on ebay france, in french obviously. if you do speak french theyre like £5 i think.


Then I realised theres a bulb behind it and have been planning on getting a new one. Does anyone know if it comes out of the holder or if its an all in one type thing cos the bulbs not budging?



the bulb should pull out of the holder. there the same as the dash bulbs. cant reember the number off the top of my head.

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the bulb should pull out of the holder. there the same as the dash bulbs. cant reember the number off the top of my head.


its tricky to get the clock out... my bulb comes on and off when it feels much like pug ownership

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These clocks are rubbish! I have two and neither work, even after replacing the bulb with a known working one they still don't light up; they also reset randomly so are useless for showing the time. I suspect that they are very sensitive to voltage drops so to get one to work you probably need pristine wiring, I have never seen the point in trying that hard just to get a clock working when I have so many other jobs to do on the car :huh:

Iirc you need to remove that entire dash section to get them out.

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Well, so far, my clock's been keeping time very well. But it doesn't light up. I haven't pulled it out the dash as yet (Ph1 dash) as someone's stuck it in with some adhesive, so I don't know what the bulb looks like yet. But the only potential bulbs I've seen at a local parts store are blue. Will the bulb color make a huge difference to illumination of the clock, if the bulb fits, and if it works?

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has anyone replaced the bulb with an led?

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Ok so i seem to be sharing the same problem and have figured out a way of getting it out without stripping the dash.


Basically pull out the ashtray and holder then put fingers through hole to reach behind clock and feel wiring-pull brown plug back untill released from clock, then clock can be rolled forward to remove. To refit is reverse of removing.


However even after removing, stripping down and cleaning and replacing bulb it was still v. dim! So replaced with another to find out it was exactly the same! :)


Has anyone found out how to get these dam things back to full brightness?????????????

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has anyone replaced the bulb with an led?


I have and it works fine, I could only get hold of a blue led at the time though.

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However even after removing, stripping down and cleaning and replacing bulb it was still v. dim! So replaced with another to find out it was exactly the same! :)


Has anyone found out how to get these dam things back to full brightness?????????????



Does the brightness change when you turn the headlights on?


The clock backlight is meant to come on brightly in daylight but dim when the headlights are turned on so if yours is constantly dim it might be related to this circuit.

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I fixed my clock a few weeks ago, I wasn't able to remove the bulb from the little holder so picked up a new bulb/holder (they come as one piece) from peugeot one day as they had them on the shelf,was about a pound I think.


Fitted the new one and my clocks been great ever since, nice and bright!


It annoys me when something doesn't work on my 205 so I have to fix it :)

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I have a spare working clock - green tint.

pm me if interested.

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Ah will try out the suggestions and will let you know how i get on! Ta!!!!!! :lol:

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I got mine out to replace it with an ebay £2 item without removing hardly any dash. Mine is super bright!


Thats all I have to offer, sorry.



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I got mine out to replace it with an ebay £2 item without removing hardly any dash. Mine is super bright!


Thats all I have to offer, sorry.




Is that a aftermarket clock or just another peugeot item? Or was that a replacement bulb?

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Standard gti one i got of ebay, the I used the bulb that it came with as it was nice and bright! Lucky I guess.



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Replace the plug with 4 red size female spade connectors.

Make sure you get the uninsulated ones (only insulated where you crimp the wire) as the common type dont fit IIRC.

It fixes the dry connection problem, but you can get them mixed up if you don't label them.

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I got ours working eventually as first the bulb lit up when it felt like it, which was partly the bulb holder needing the contacts bending to make a better contact, then it was a case of repairing the connections inside the wiring plug. I ended up having 2 goes at it, as it was bugging me that it did not work as it should, and it nearly ended up being a grudge match with me refusing to beaten by a stupid bloody car.

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Lol. I got my ph1 clock out, as I had to take the dash apart anyway. Turns out something's loose inside the clock. Changing the bulb made no difference. So I changed the clock. Got another off ebay. Nice and bright. Problem solved.


Mr_exe: I know exactly what you mean. I will not be beaten by a car. Next up: roof console light. It works hanging from the console, but once you push it back into the console, it only turns on when the doors are opened.

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