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Problem Mi16 In A 205

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i have converted my 1.9 205 gti to mi16 with all proper parts pr devlopments loom and manifolds anyway i drove it in my garage resprayed it and now it wont start i have no spark but tried what i think is everything i have power to everything but no dam spark can anyone help or does anyone have wiring diagram ;):D:lol::D thanks in advance

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(moved to the technical section!)


maybe it's just a loose main HT lead on the distributor cap?


or if you don't have fuel pump runing either, then it will be the crank position sensor.


but first of all, check all the fuses and try swapping relays, just in case.

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I'd suggest checking your rotor arm too.


The way to look at is: does it have the means to make a spark? (i.e. crank sensor if 'no') - do a simple swap with a good one - maybe she'll fire up.


And then if it can spark due to the above and is trying to, where's the spark going? (i.e. ignition amp, coil, HT lead to dizzy to HT lead to plug).


If you follow that line you won't go far wrong.

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It might be helpful if you could list what you have checked.

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Henry 1.9GTi

when did you get this pr loom? I had to spend way more than the loom cost just to fix it... babdly corroded connection wasnt getting enough power to fuel pump relay and injectors. Mayby you have a similar problem? But as always check all the above comments first if that gets you know where, like me :lol: , then perhaps check the loom itself.


Good luck.


Edited by Henry 1.9GTi

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