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Fitting The Ph1 Floor Console Together

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I noticed in this picture that there should be a screw at the back of the gear lever gaiter and surround, and I see the hole in the surround, but I don't see where the screw is supposed to screw into. Am I missing something? The only parts I have are the floor console, plastic surround, gear lever and gear lever gaiter.







Edit: forgot to attach the pic.

Edited by humanz

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they screw into the floor/shell


See if you can spot a hole in the carpet/sound deadening.

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as he said


you have to fish about with the screw to secure it in but it does go ok once located, does in mine anyhow.

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Had a search..didn't find the hole. I neglected to mention the shell I'm using is from a phase1.5. I guess that's another difference between the shells. But it's good to know I wasn't missing a clip or bracket. I'll drill a hole for it. Cheers.

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