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brian j

Fitting 306 Ph1 Light Stalk

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brian j

As you know, it requires the dexterity of a card-shark to flash the lights on a 205 when they are on dipped beam.


I was wondering if it is a straight swap to fit the light and wiper stalks from a Ph1 306 in their place. They seem to have the same layout and functions but also the facility to flash the lights easily.


Has anyone tried this or compared the plugs/wiring to see how big a job it is?

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Yeah I was going to give this a go too, either using 306 stalks or some new Ford ones. I don't know weather they will be a straight swap as such. I was planning on just getting my multimeter and see what pins do what and then connecting them to the loom as appropriate. But that's he bonus of having home made looms, might be harder with old ones.

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why flash? I was taught not to flash as you never know the meaning, so its never bothered me.

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Ive seen people turn lights down to side lights then back on. Creating a similar effect without blinding you !


Plus you feel like a twat when you double dip your lights, hoping to flash, but instead find there just on main beam instead :) Damn paintball fingers are too fast and it just stays in flash :)

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brian j
why flash? I was taught not to flash as you never know the meaning, so its never bothered me.


While flashing the lights can be mis-interpreted, it is useful to say thank you to courteous drivers when it is dark, warn other users that they have left their main beams up without blinding them for a while by putting yours up too, warn other road users of your presence less agressively than by beeping, or to do so in a built up area after the cut-off when use of the horn is illegal, and in circumstances where it is not likely to lead to confusion, to let others know that you are letting them out of a side road etc.


Anyway, the point of the question is not one of why, but of how. :) As in I know that I (and I suspect a few others) would like the option to flash their lights more easily, I just would like to now if anyone is aware of whether the 306 stalks are the easiest way of doing it.

Edited by brian j

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I'm sure if flashing was frowned upon that much then manufacturers would have dropped it as an option. It's just a nice modern detail really, I'm quite surprised that nobody seems to have done it.

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In nz flashing your lights during the day means there is a cop up ahead... very handy

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Ive seen people turn lights down to side lights then back on. Creating a similar effect without blinding you !

i do this, dont tend to get a thank you back though. think because its different to flashing they're not sure what to do :P


but the flash does annoy me a fair bit. ill keep an eye on this topic cos id be intereasted in how you manage it


good luck


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Hi all

My first post on the forum, very exciting :P

Pretty sure ph1 106 light stalk fit the 205 and they have the flash option and still look like the origional stalks, my brother 106 xs did anyway.



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Hi all

My first post on the forum, very exciting :P

Pretty sure ph1 106 light stalk fit the 205 and they have the flash option and still look like the origional stalks, my brother 106 xs did anyway.





i want to do this mod now lol. whose got an xs i can blag the stalk from then ;)

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I've just sold a pair of 106 stalks!


Off to the scrappy I go!


Make sure you get stalk that the indicators cancel on, alot of hamfisted owners seem to have broken them

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brian j

I can confirm for certain that the 306mk1/106mk1 stalk is not a direct fit either mechanically or electrically for the 205 one. I bought one to compare.


I am sure that it would be possible to make it fit mechanically by fabricating a bracket, as the sizes and angles are comprable, however I'd need to get the multimeter out to see what pin does what on each and get hold of the plugs from the wiring loom on a 306 to wire it up.

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That's ok.. I have a complete list of the 205 wiring from when I made my looms. Should be a pretty easy job. :)

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brian j
That's ok.. I have a complete list of the 205 wiring from when I made my looms. Should be a pretty easy job. :)


You don't fancy sharing that information do you? It would save me a bit of work...

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I could but it's all written down in a book so would take me ages to type it all up!

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I could but it's all written down in a book so would take me ages to type it all up!



aka the haynes manual....

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brian j
aka the haynes manual....


Yes... B)


Was hoping that the diagram was a specific one to that part of the wiring. I can, and will at some point, sit and decipher the haynes for the 205 and 306 and see what does what. I just hate automotive wiring diagrams with a passion.

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Mei, do phase 2 405 stalks have this function too?

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yup, as does my ZX.

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