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Damp Floor Behind Drivers Seat

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just noticed that the floor behind the drivers seat is soaked i have been getting a water buid up in the plastic part that releases the sliding sunroof would this be anything to do with it or is it something else, mucho greatfull for any info as my windows inside are misting up now.

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If its coming in the handle area I'd be tempted to check the aerial mounting nut, you can access it through the interior light, it just pops out with a screwdriver. Get someone to hold the aerial outside as you tighten the nut or alse it will spin, then I'd put a blob of silicone 'round it and see how you go from there. :)

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It's the big sliding type sun roof with the vacum? Is the handle you use to slide the window back loose?


Mine was a little wobbly and was letting water through there...I was too tight at the time to fix it properly with new screws and rubber washer things so I stuck a little duct tape over the top of the two caps(on the outside) and it hasn't leaked since. So it still hasn't been done properly :)

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Had the same problem, took a look at the 2 seals on the sunroof, they were totally perished. Got 2 new ones from eBay about £3 (rip off) and replaced them. It's a bit fiddly and takes a bit of patience but worth doing. Funnily I haven't been out in the rain since doing it so can't say for sure that the problem is cured but I'm confident that the perished seals were the culprit.


Wouldn't like to say whether the wet carpet behind is connected to this problem or not - anyone....??

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Wet carpet behind the seats will be the rear window seals. Certainly was on my car and a couple of others ive seen anyway. The water gets past the seals, then runs down the inside of the doorcard and out the bottom onto the carpet!

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cheers folks, just noticed its wet on the other side aswell so i take it both rear window seals are away then, thanks again.

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Mad Scientist

Take them out and try and stretch them. Might help to heat them up a touch. Can't guarantee it will work but keep your fingers crossed...............new seals are about £50 each!

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Rear window seals

Boot seal


Lift up the seats and look for rust or puddles.

Remove the side trim and watch it trickle in.


I replaced the window seals a few years back - pretty dry now. Stretching is a 'false' economy - they don't stretch.

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defo not under the seats only the floor, just about to take of the rear quarter panels and look for it trickling in.

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Had a water leak aswell in the same place, water leaking in from the windows was sitting around and rusted it through now water's splashing back up through the hole lol. Fixed it now though with a circular bit of metal and mastick! :(.

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I also had a similar problem.


I found that water was leaking in through the bolt hole that holds the seatbelt runner in place below the door....Im not sure if this bolt goes straight into the sills?, but a good unclog of the drainage holes in the sills saw the the water gone and my problem too.

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Unlikely but: I had a Golf with a similar problem, I took the door cards off to find no plastic sheet. Quick trip to B&Q and some double sided tape later and it no longer iced up on the inside.

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Guest Wheres_my_wig
I also had a similar problem.


I found that water was leaking in through the bolt hole that holds the seatbelt runner in place below the door....Im not sure if this bolt goes straight into the sills?, but a good unclog of the drainage holes in the sills saw the the water gone and my problem too.


I had this problem too, you can ussually tell if you hear water sloshing about when brakeing/accelerating...dranage holes had got real clogged up. park facing down a hill and poke your finger in the drainage holes located at the back of the front wheel arches. Again, drained it all off and hey presto, nice and dry :blush:


I had two inches of water in the back footwell, which were lovely.

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