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Odd Gearbox Question

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Have a 205 rally car: running near standard 1.6 engine with a BE1 box. It almost always used to crunch going into 2nd (up or down the gears) and had done for ages i.e a 45 mile gravel rally and a few hundred road miles inbetween. I changed the non-working speedo cable yesterday and since the replacement cable has been fitted it only very occasionally crunches. Could this just be coincidence?


Doesn't seem to make any sense to me!



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I would say so. Worn sycnro's cause the crunch when changing gears. Make sure the oil level is correct and that the clutch is not draging.

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I thought it was worn synchros, just seems bizarre that it stopped crunching when the cable was changed. When I got the car the gearbox was short of oil, not much more than a litre in it + plenty of metal! New oil to correct level put in about 400 miles ago.

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It could be draging still which would justify the slight crunching when changing gear. Check and adjust the cable with the wheels in the air.

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