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Guest melmoth

My Freshly Painted Gti Needs Door Skins!

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Guest melmoth

Well i took a spin down to the body shop today to check on the progress of the respray. All glass out and stripped to the bone. Kinda scary, hope it all goes together ok. Anyway its been painted, baked and buffed, it gleaming. However i noticed that the door panels skins have slight stretch marks on them. This project has cost a small fortune ( gt28rs, emerald k3, 238 bhp) so i'm not putting up with bloody ripples in my doorskins. Bodyshop says he can't get them any better, so i need either new doors or new skins, anyone know if they can still be got?


Hopefully i'll have the finished project photos up in a couple of weeks, pure sleeper look.


Thanks in advance all.

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I'm sure new doorskins are still available. What engine/spec have you got?

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Guest melmoth

Hi Dan,

Was originally a 205 tt engine, turbo pistons etc had seen better days ( Actually much better days, basically seller lied about condition, claimed car had been rear ended but there was no way it was running), however head was nicely ported. Went for full rebuild with low comp pistons, mi16 liners and crank, new garrett gt28rs turbo ( machined by qep to fit) kept the tt manifold as it was later type with the lugs, K3 management with 3 map settings. Map settings were not ideal as it makes little difference, on low it was 196, need to look into this. THe exhaust came with rthe engine about 3" with single box, only realised how messed up baffles were during the rr setup. I managed to get a new stainless 2 box setup, so this goes on once shes out of the body shop, should settle it down a bit. Thanks for the interest.

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Sounds good. What boost are you running? Hows traction?!? :blush:

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the parts guy in hexham offered me a cheap deal on doorskins i think he had them in stock and wanted rid (i had a dented door) so i guess they are still available?

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i wouldnt put door skins on there s*it ,i would rather put good 2nd hand doors on than door skins any panal beater will say the same

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Guest melmoth

Traction is well....interesting. I only got the car back from the mapping session in the uk 2 weeks ago. tbh, it was a nightmare. The car had a stroke on the way back, weather was freezing and the wipers/windows and all right hand lights packed in, just after the speedo went south..... . To make matters worse the exhaust was so loud because of the baffles it set a car alarm off as i was going through a car park

Hence my return run was at about 20 mph in the pissing rain, stopping every 10 minutes to use my sock to clear the windscreen. Got stopped by the police about 10 minutes from the ferry port...was ready to end it all.... Managed to get rh lights back functional, police were actually quite sympathetic, probably because they were glad to see the back of us. Final run from dublin - belfast was fine ( managed to bum some fuses off a lorry driver, so had wipers again :blush: , run was done at 50 mph all the way, engine is too fresh to cane it.


Once the new exhaust is on and the rear end sorted ( garage dropped it too much, looks off ). As for the boost, tbh i dont know i left the readout in the glovebox, it was actually quite low, in the region of .9 or so , the compressor housing on ther gt28rs is quite large, think its the 0.63 on the casting, it probably explains why the 3 stage emerald switch and map does'nt scale too well.

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You'll have to post up about it when you've had a proper drive in it. Sounds like it was a mission! :blush:

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Guest melmoth
You'll have to post up about it when you've had a proper drive in it. Sounds like it was a mission! :blush:

was indeed, took nearly 2 years in all. Everything fron the choice of injectors ( settled on rover t16's) to oil cooler ( 13 row and a bitch to get fitted right) , bolloxed intercooler ( sourced a new one off ebay ) , as soon as she's out of the shop and cleaned up i'll do a profile for the drivers section. Its far harder over here getting stuff done, as there is no real source of parts ( none in the breakers).

I actually got 2 sets of sl434 speedlines to try on it, one in silver and one in graphite with polished rim, could settle on which set i thought would look better. Saw a profile on shinyracings car, and they did look fine. However i'm starting to think i'll run stock speedlines to keep it 100% stock looking.


will post shots and let you guys decide.

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All Praise The GTI

sounds like a great project mate,cant wait to see pics.

where does everyone keep gettin sl434's from ITS NOT FAIR!!! i want some. and o my... graphite with a polished lip :blush:

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please start a Works thread, presenting the progress from the beginning :(.

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SL434's, they are well nice, i like how dishy they are, they cost around the £850 mark new without tyre and inc delivery.

I got mine almost new with tyres for £600, bargain.

Try peugeot sport in france on google.

They are 6.75 width.

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Guest melmoth
SL434's, they are well nice, i like how dishy they are, they cost around the £850 mark new without tyre and inc delivery.

I got mine almost new with tyres for £600, bargain.

Try peugeot sport in france on google.

They are 6.75 width.


Yes they are a bit wider, I got my sets from a crowd in france, they were a little slow on replying but they were good enough to ship, shipping was around €150 and wheeels around €600 per set. The link is below.




Cybernick, sounds like a load of work, i was thinking about just banging up a few photos of her nice and shiny and the rr readouts.


Think i should start now..






Ok Not so shiny yet..

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Guest melmoth

Sorry, actual price is around 800 per set as per previous poster, christ, when i tot stuff up i could have gotten a pretty nifty car considering the current economic climate....

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i wouldnt put door skins on there s*it ,i would rather put good 2nd hand doors on than door skins any panel beater will say the same

Aye, door skins are a definite case of new not being better than used. I'd much rather fit a pair of decent 2nd hand doors any day :wub:

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